Thursday, February 7, 2008

Heartbroken Follower

Well I guess it's official now. Mitt Romney has decided to stop compaigning and leaving it up to McCain, the dinosaur. Now the republican party will lose the election it seems since Obama and Clinton have such steam going behind them.

As the whole group knew I was supporting Romney and now...I'm heartbroken. There goes my vote.. Now since he is out I will have to decide on who to vote for next teusday and I'm certain its going to be for Ron Paul (youre welcome David). If he decides to drop out now too I'm voting Obama.

This just looks to me like the Republican party is giving up. McCain has the nomination it seems and I really hope he doesn't get it. I'm surprised Romney dropped out, I figured Huckabee would drop out before him but he is still on the ballot. This republican is quite upset. hah


Nishah said...

Yeah! I was so surprised to hear Romney stopping his campaigns, he had a good chance… maybe he couldn’t handle running??
You know I agree that it feels that the Republicans seem to be giving up, only McCain seems to have the drive to continue.. but he has been trying to get a nomination for a very long time, so maybe now that hes closer then ever, it drives him more.
Its also so interesting to hear, you Rain, as a republican, would rather have Obama, democrat, (if Ron Paul drops), over McCain, republican…especially since it’s the other way around for some of the democratic voters... like I said in my post, if Obama gets the nomination, it is said that many democratic of the older generation, will vote for McCain..
At least you got to meet and pictures with Romney :D

jmiller said...

I really thought that Romney had a chance of the gettign the nomination. I was shocked to be sitting in class and hear that he was suspending his campaign. However I was a little cautious to belive that we had heard the last of Gov. Romney. He did say he was "suspending" his campaign, not calling it a quits so I saw a possibility he would come back. I think Romney certainly is one of the top picks for the VP nomination. The fact that Huckabee is still in is quite a shock for me. I guess it goes to show that a little faith goes a lot farther than a lot of money does in this election.