Thursday, January 31, 2008

Two more bite the dust!

John Edwards and Rudy Giuliani have both dropped out of the presidential race. While I'm not surprised at Giuliani's departure, given his dismal performance in Florida, I'm still a little surprised that Edwards is calling it quits so soon. His numbers haven't been that great, but a few days prior to his dropping out he issued a statement saying that he "wouldn't drop out, no matter what." Why the change of heart? I'm a little curious. I’m also curious about his decision not to endorse anyone and whether that will change before Super Tuesday. Obviously, his decision to endorse someone would have a relatively big impact, but should the not, I think most of his votes will go to Hillary and only a fair few to Obama. I can’t wait to watch it play out over the next few days. People have been talking about what Edwards will do next, does anyone see him or NOT see him on the VP ticket?
I'm also wondering what the ramifications of Giuliani's endorsement of McCain are going to be. While I think it's going to pick up some votes for McCain, I think it's going to concern the ultra-conservatives who have taken issue with Giuliani for his pro-choice views, as well as some of his other more liberal policies. McCain isn't seen as a die-hard conservative anyway, which may be an appeal to independents and moderates, but being endorsed by a Pro-Choice Republican isn't going to go over well with Evangelicals or ultra-right wingers, who don’t want to be ignored, and who shouldn’t be. Last night’s Republican debate is a testament to that as McCain and Romney essentially waged a “Who’s the true conservative?” debate. We haven’t heard a whole lot about the evangelical vote (which makes up a large portion of the “ultra conservative” category) this primary season but I think on Super Tuesday we’re going to see the evangelicals show up in masses. One thing’s for sure: Super Tuesday is going to be awesome and exciting. I can’t wait!