Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Families Divided

I wonder what everyone is thinking about Ted Kennedy's endorsement of Obama. Remember our wonderful visit with the Kennedy children in Nashua (Bobby, Kathleen and Kerry) who support Clinton?

This is not the first family divided over these two candidates. Jesse Jackson and his wife are also split between Obama and Clinton. I know many other couples/families in the same situation. Why is this the case? What resonates about each candidate?

I know that one of Kennedy's reasons for the Obama endorsement was the campaign strategies used by Bill Clinton in S.C. My thought about Bill is that he needs to get out of the way and let Hillary find her voice again. He's too much the attack dog now. He loves campaigning - he was always at his best doing this. This is likely his last big hurrah and if Hillary doesn't win, he'll be taking it very personally.

Anyone watch the State of the Union address last night? Thoughts????


Paola said...

I thought it was interesting when I heard about Ted Kennedy’s endorsement for Obama. I immediately thought of our visit to the Nashua Public Library where we met Bobby’s children and learned of their endorsement for Hillary.

I didn’t know that Ted Kennedy's reasons for the Obama endorsement was Bill Clinton’s campaign strategies in S.C. But would you blame Ted? I wouldn’t. I was very disappointed with Bill’s comments and most importantly his negative attitude towards Obama. Americans are tired of political animosity and want a president who is willing to work in a harmonious and supporting manner. I agree with you and believe that Bill needs to let Hillary speak for herself, she is very capable of doing that and quite honest she seems to have a better understanding of what “politically correct” means when it comes to having to attack her opposition, particularly when her opposition is very much appreciated by many Americans.

Division within families about candidates seems to be very common in this election. I hear it all the time. What’s important, as Cathleen Kennedy advised during our visit to the Nashua public library is that we choose the candidate who can get the job done and not who we like best. As candidates are pulling out of the race and we are getting closer to find out who the last two opposite candidates would be, I’m keeping close attention to their speeches, debates and interviews because I want to support the individual who is going to be the best person to lead America forward.

Patrick said...

Personally, I was pretty surprised and disappointed at the split in the family. Time and time again, I keep going back to what Bobby's kids said about the learning curve. As a nation, we cannot afford a 2 year learning curve (who knows-- it could be even longer given his lack of experience in a playing field such as this!) Don't get me wrong-- I'm a fan of Obama, but with the economy tanking like it has been, the housing crisis, we need someone who can get to work on day 1. We are in a pretty bad spot, and I'm concerned about Obama. I think in the global arena he might have some trouble. I know many Europeans are gunning for him, but I would be curious to know all the reasons. I've had many discussions on this topic at my new internship, and it's been extremely interesting. The first idea is that the rest of the world community wants to see that the US is not racist. By electing Obama we could finally put that argument to rest, and hopefully strengthen our image. Supposedly they also think that it's time for something fresh in a leadership role-- which I think we can all agree.

But, the other perspective I've heard-- and one that is much more frightening- is the fact that the world community would see him as more inexperienced, which could translate as weakness. With the strengthening Euro, the Europeans would like to further strengthen their upper hand. But in more volatile places like the Middle East, and dealing with nations like North Korea, Kosovo, etc... the challenges could prove to be too much to handle while sorting out things at home. I know I've gotten off on a tangent-- but the dialog has gotten a lot more interesting in recent weeks!

On another note-- did anyone see that Bill's former campaign adviser is now supporting Obama?? Geez, seems like poor Hillary cannot get a break!